Thursday, 26 November 2015

Osborne: A slick snake oil salesman

Credit to the Telegraph
Sometimes, you just have to admire George Osborne. Not for his ruthlessly pursuing an ideological shrinking of the state. Or his push for welfare reform. What is to be admired about Osborne is his political nous.

Yesterday was yet another example. The Telegraph claimed that the autumn budget was the "End of austerity" and one of its online articles compared Osborne to Blair. The Daily Mail claimed Osborne was increasing spending. The Financial Times said that Osborne was moving towards "The center."
Yet, this is a chancellor that has just proposed to cut government spending by 50% over 5 years. He is slashing local government into irrelevance and winding up the department of business. His shrinking of the state is ideological and has been derided by various economists. Despite all of this, there is not one mention of this in the newspapers.

This isn't necessarily because the press is predominantly supportive of the Conservatives-They are, but they have highlighted cuts made by the chancellor in the past, such as during the omnishambles budget in 2012 when the press were incredibly hostile to the budget. The real reason is the genius of George Osborne.

Osborne is very good at media presentation. This is why he is such a massive asset to the Tory Party in the same way as Blair was for many years for Labour. Yesterday, Osborne announced some sweeteners alongside the cuts that got the press raving, for example cheaper deposits for people who want to buy their own homes, or an announcement that the government would now start to provide postgraduate loans. These announcements were accompanied by brutal cuts, but the press focused on the former rather than the latter, as naturally that is what their readers want to hear, and what will sell the papers.

Yet, looking at the policies themselves, they don't seem particularly noteworthy. The housing policy itself only builds on another policy that was introduced in 2014, and so far that does not seem to be leading to better results when it comes to home ownership and housing prices. The postgraduate announcement was first made in 2011 and then was not implemented. Yet again, Osborne shows his genius through the clever use of spin that seems to have brought a focus on policies that are actually not particularly radical.

The Labour Party, meanwhile, had a P.R disaster when shadow chancellor John Mcdonnell quoted Mao Zedong, a dictator who was responsible for the deaths of 40-70 million people. The joke that he made was sound in itself, but it was just the fact that he gave the newspapers and press ammunition to avoid the uncomfortable subject of cuts and focus on Mcdonnell and his supposed Mao apologism.

Chairman John?
Unless Labour vastly improve their media presentation skills, they risk being swept away. It now seems inevitable that George Osborne will be the next leader of the Conservative Party, and, as we saw during the last parliament with the so-called "Edstone" that was widely mocked, and Miliband failing to eat a bacon sandwhich, how you act and present yourself in public has a massive effect on how the electorate views you and deems your party to be suitable for elected office. Labour must learn the Osbornian way fast, otherwise it risks repeating the mistakes of the 2010-2015 parliament.

Monday, 12 October 2015

"We've got to move on!" Thoughts on the future.

By 2020, it will have been 23 years since the 1997 Labour landslide.
There are a few things from #Lab15 that struck me as being interesting, particularly in the light of the future direction of the Labour Party. I shall discuss them here as well as my broader thoughts on the future of moderates within the party.

On the penultimate night of Labour conference, which was the Labour List karaoke night, me and a few friends went to the karaoke. We all had some good fun. I then played a cruel prank on a friend which meant that he had to sing "Things can only get better" (The song is strongly associated with Tony Blair and New Labour within the Labour Party, and activists naturally chant "Tony, Tony"). When the chanting started there was a significant amount of booing and jeering, with half the room instead choosing to chant "Jez we can!". On the last night of conference we had the NOLS disco. The same thing happened, except this time even some of the senior blairite MPs who were at the disco refused to chant "Tony!". Steven Twigg MP, someone who I have known for a while and a key figure of the Blair-Brown era, turned around to me and said "We've got to move on!". 

Though Steven did later on turn around and join in with the singing and dancing, this peculiar moment had a profound impact on me.

 It is clear from the result of the leadership election that New Labour is dead. The election of Jeremy Corbyn with 60% of the vote is the most severe rout of moderates in the history of the party. It is also clear that a profound, and probably nearly permanent realignment is happening within the party. The "Left" now includes only people who subscribe to the full hard line left wing doctrines of comrade Corbyn, Mccdonnell, and the campaign group. This group form only a small minority of the PLP but have mass support among ordinary constituency activists. Then you have the "Right", which includes people who would generally have been considered to have been on the left wing of the party 10 years ago, such as the Brownites, lumped together with blairites, some of the less left wing elements of the soft left and the "Old right" of the party. It is also clear, that with this sharp realignment within the party, that no "New Labour continuity" candidate will be able to win a leadership election for the foreseeable future, because the most blairite of the candidates managed only 4.5% of the vote in this leadership election, and the new, young, idealistic and generally left wing members are still going to be there in 5 years time. 

Regardless, a revival of unreconstructed New Labour ideology is undesirable as well as impractical. By 2020, it will have been 23 years since "Things can only get better" played on that famous `97 election night. Calling yourself a blairite by then would be like calling yourself a Gaitskellite in the Foot era, or a Kinnockite in the Blair-Brown era, or a Bennite today. Ideologies evolve and societies evolve. If they do not, then they decay and fail. The same will go for the revisionist tradition of social democracy.

This is what we now have to look to build. Together. We must look forward, not backwards. There is room for a social democracy that is inclusive, supportive of business and the middle classes as well as the traditional Labour vote, and recognizes that to spread the wealth you must also create the wealth. Let us end this feud, between blairites, brownites, social democrats and otherwise, and work together to create a new revisionist tradition fit for the challenges we will face in 2020 and beyond. This is the challenge for the moderates of the Labour Party. And I look forward to playing my full part in this challenge.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Jeremy Corbyn for prime minister?

Jeremy Corbyn for prime minister?

The far left MP has confounded expectations so far
The far left MP has confounded expectations so far

This post was originally published on the Graduates of Democracy blog. You can read the original post here.

It feels like an exciting time to be involved in the British Labour Party. We are seeing something that none of the old parties of social democracy have experienced in recent times: A left wing revolt from the inside. In Britain, the radical left has taken over the party while other European countries saw the emergence of new radical leftwing parties, like SYRIZA in Greece and PODEMOS in Spain. Jeremy Corbyn, an MP from the hard left of the party who was not expected to win when he stood for the leadership, is now leader of the Labour Party.
I have been to many European countries over the summer on political endeavours. Everywhere where I went I was asked about Jeremy Corbyn. There seems to be a great deal of excitement over his election all across Europe. The leader of the PES, Sergei Stanishev, has already said that he supports the anti-austerity politics of Corbyn, and the PES, led by British Labour MEP’s, has distinctly taken a left turn with its recent proposals to ban zero hours contracts across Europe.
However, many pollsters and media experts in the UK believe that Corbyn is destined to fail. Opinion polls so far have not shown any real improvement in Labour’s fortunes, although this can take time. There are concerns over his ability to win over Tory voters and if he can win back Scotland. It is clear that the party is taking a massive gamble with Corbyn. So, why did he win in the first place if he was the least safe option?
The answer lies in Scotland. The Scottish National Party (SNP) and its anti-austerity rhetoric, as well as its pretences to be a far left party and the subsequent thrashing of Labour in Scotland at the general election where Labour were reduced from 41 to 1 seat, hurt party activists very deeply. It was in Scotland where Labour’s beloved first leader, Keir Hardie, first built the party up. Labour had dominated Scotland for over a century and the pain of losing it cannot be underestimated. Labour activists believed that a more firmly anti austerity message than what was promoted by Ed Miliband, the previous leader, would help to win back left wing voters who defected to Nicola Sturgeon and her nationalists. The other 3 candidates, Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, and Liz Kendall, all promised a platform that was to the right of Miliband, talked about the need to cut as well as spend and said the party needed to win over “Aspirational” voters and cut the top rate of tax. After a bruising election defeat, this was not what the party wanted to hear, and many “Soft left” social democrats ended up going for Corbyn because they felt there was nowhere else for them to go.
For now, the Corbynomics experiment will go on. His first major test will be crucial midterm elections next year, on a local level in which I am standing as a candidate, the mayoral election in London and parliamentary elections in London, Wales, and Scotland. These elections will be the first tests as to whether or not Corbyn can win a UK wide general election. For now, I remain very sceptical. Even if Corbyn does somehow manage to win most votes, he will not be able to win the most seats due to how the British electoral system works.   In 2015, the Conservative Party of PM David Cameron would still have won a majority if Labour had all of our Scottish seats. Also winning over Green votes (The only other significant left party in England) is not going to be enough to beat the Tories in most seats.
It is clear, however, that politics in the UK and Europe will not be the same for some time. Anti austerity politics are now going to be mainstream. The only question is if it will win elections.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

A message to the anti-EU far-left: No one cares that the EU is a capitalist organisation

The big political news today is that Harriet Harman has said that the Labour Party will support a referendum on the EU, making an EU referendum in the next 2 years certain.

Over the next two years, we'll hear a lot on the news from the Out campaign, no doubt led by Nigel Farage and containing such charming supporters such as the BNP and National Front, about how the EU is an institution that promoted mass immigration, leading to evil Romanians "Taking our jobs".

However, there is another kind of Euroscepticism, primarily coming from the far-left. This Euroscepticism denounces the EU as a capitalist institution that somehow "Prevents" socialism from occurring and leads to-you guessed it- evil disgusting foreigners ruling over us.

How dare they? Why should a supranational organisation based on co-operation rather than competition allow evil, non-Brits to rule over this glorious former empire??!?!

I'm going to try and address some of the dubious arguments of the far-left when it comes to Europe. First of all, the belief that Europe is a capitalist institution that "Prevents" socialism. Well, duh. Of course it's capitalist. The UK is a capitalist state. Everything is capitalist. It's not hard to work out. Secondly, this whole idea that the EU "prevents" socialism. They're forgetting about Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, all EU members, and Norway and Iceland which are not part of the EU but have to comply with EU regulations. Definitely ultra-capitalist plutocracies, then.

Plus, I'm sure that nations outside Europe are such socialist paradises. Just look at America, where you have to pay for healthcare, or Australia, or New Zealand, currently ruled by an administration that is considering the privatisation of public buildings. Definitely socialism in our time.

But just look at Greece, I hear them cry. Surely that's proof that the EU is an evil right-wing institution???
In reality, the situation is much more complex. Basically, the European Central Bank (ECB) has been dolling out massive subsidies to the collapsing Greek economy, saving it from total economic collapse. It's the IMF, the international monetary fund, that is demanding problematic "Reforms" and repayments for its loans to Greece. Contrary to popular belief, Herr Merkel the dark lord isn't controlling the IMF, or its actions.

But what about TTIP? Here, the far-left may have a point. Until you consider that numerous trade deals with similar clauses to the infamous clause that supposedly allows corporations to sue public bodies have been included in free trade agreements that have long been in the statute books, signed with nations such as New Zealand and Canada. Once again, this argument falls down like a pack of cards.

Then comes perhaps the most convincing arguments from the loony left. It is that the EU is an undemocratic organisation. On this, they have a serious point. The European Council is unelected. The commission is unelected and has the power to initiate legislation (Though only the proportionally elected parliament can approve it). This is where the pro-EU reform argument can come in.

However, the belief that the EU campaign will be run primarily by people who want to leave the EU because it is undemocratic is absurd. A quick look at some of the parties touted to join the Out campaign gives you an idea of the kind of campaign Out will fight. UKIP. The DUP. The BNP and National Front. These are not parties who are concerned in the slightest about the EU being undemocratic. In fact, they oppose the EU because they see it as a communist institution that allows excessive immigration! I will bet any ultra leftist who challenges this assertion that the main arguments for leaving the EU won't be "Because it's undemocratic". To be frank, ordinary people couldn't give a rats arse about it being undemocratic. Therefore there's no votes in it. The main argument will be "Immigration is too high and Romanians and Bulgarians are coming to steal oue jobs, so let's leave the EU so we can somehow stop immigration and go back to a utopia that never existed in the first place".

In a democracy, during a referendum campaign, it is vital that all views are heard. However, this does not mean dubious views based on misinformation and hearsay should go unchallenged. It is the duty of the mainstream, sensible left to challenge and refute these views.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

So, what next? An analysis of Labour's defeat.

So, what next?

It's been nearly 2 weeks since the dream of nearly every Labour Party comrade across the country was shattered.

How do we recover from this?

First of all, we need to be honest and frank about why we lost.

On May 7th, we asked people to choose between a Tory government that has destroyed the pension system, created a massive housing crisis, privatised the royal mail, driven millions into poverty, cut welfare benefits, and attacked the vulnerable, or the most radically left-wing Labour Party in 2 decades. This was an electorate ravaged by 5 years of austerity cuts, with many people who had hitherto been better off now struggling to pay the bills.

We lost. And lost really badly.

I have been reflecting on this defeat for the last two weeks, examining arguments from right and left and seeing if they stand up to much scrutiny.

The truth is, both the claims from Labour's far-left, that Labour lost because it was too right-wing (They often point to Scotland to try to support this very dubious argument) and from Labour' far-right, who say Labour lost because it wasn't right-wing enough (Listen to Mandelson's attacks on social democratic policies such as the minimum wage as being "Anti-aspiration") are dubious. Both have elements of the truth, but the truth isn't quite as simple as that.

There are many conflicting theories for why Labour lost. Here is my take on why we lost the election.

In Scotland, the reason was obvious. Discontent with Labour has been brewing for a very long time. Labour's period in government only made the situation much worse, as well as the assumption that Scots "Had nowhere else to go", an assumption that was comprehensively destroyed by the social democratic SNP.

Many articles have been written about the hypocricy of the SNP, and how they only recently dropped policies such as cuts to corporation taxes and income taxes for the rich that Alex "Oil baron" Salmond championed for years. However, in politics, reality matters for little. The perception that the SNP were/are more labour than Labour has turned them into an unstoppable force, capable of rallying both their core voters and disenfranchised Labour voters. Labour's alliance with the Tories and big business during the Better Together campaign against Independence only reinforced and strengthened these perceptions. The way back for Scottish Labour is tough. It will require an independent Scottish Labour Party free to set its own policy.

As for Wales, the struggles of the Welsh Labour government, particularly on the state of NHS Wales, need no introduction. Perhaps what happened to Labour in Wales was the least surprising element of election night, because Labour was already suffering from its unpopularity as a party of government in Wales. It's another Scotland waiting to happen.

And, finally, we come to England. Labour's defeat in England was so poor that the Tories would still have won a majority and ended nearly 50 seats ahead of Labour if it had held all of its Scottish seats.

Labour's problem in England is that it had nothing to say to English voters. It had nothing to say to middle class voters, who were terrified of the tax and spend proposals of the party, though the policies weren't actually that left-wing (Though, as I said before, perception is everything). It had nothing to say to the working class voters who had traditionally voted for it, but have now abandoned it for UKIP. It had nothing to say to the Greens who quit the party because of its positions on immigration. And, finally, it had nothing to say on the English question, allowing the Tories to portray themselves as "The party of England", saving England from the horribly anti-English, pro-Scottish Labour and SNP parties.

The party suffered from a terrible lack of a coherent vision. Ed Miliband changed his campaign themes more times than I could count. It was led by a leader who, though he had a lot of conviction, was always disliked by the electorate, who could never, as the Mail put it, "See the millionaire, two kitchen owning, bacon sandwhich eating socialist as a prime minister". If the leader who is supposed to be the public face of your party doesn't represent the party competently, you've got a problem.

Labour's future in England is bleak. Barring a miraculous recovery, I can see no way back for the party in 2020. Labour now needs a swing larger than Tony Blair achieved in '97 to win a majority of one seat. Unless the party can respond to conflicting demands in Scotland, Wales, and across England, its days as a party of government may be numbered.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Why I will be voting Labour on May 7th

In 5 days time, I will be going out and voting Labour in the general election. It'll be the 2nd time I have ever voted Labour (The 1st was the Euro and locals last year.) Today, I'd like to share my journey with you and how I decided to get into politics.

I was born, and have lived, in the same working class council estate all my life. My mum and dad have bought the house we live in via a mortgage, and it's a fairly comfortable place to live. But it wasn't always like this. I remember when I was a little boy and we lived in a cramped, smelly, cheap and smaller flat. My dad had come to this country during the Thatcher era, and my mum came from a poor family as well. In the early days, it was a struggle for them. My dad found insecure work that never lasted, ranging from being a painter to a waiter and then eventually finding more secure work as a taxi driver, so we could move out of that house. But it wasn't always the way it is now.

Then along came the Tony Blair government. It changed my parents' lives (And my own) overnight. Suddenly, we had tax credits to give us a leg up when things didn't go right. Suddenly, the NHS was back on its feet, schools were functioning again, the economy was moving and my dad's wages started to increase. Which is why I often refrain from outrightly condemning everything New Labour did (Though I was and always will be a firm critic of Iraq, and I am very critical of the Blair government on many issues). But this enabled me to grow up with opportunities that I fear are being taken away from this generation of people who are my ages.

 That is what made this working class kid from a minority background get involved in politics. The one decision that probably tipped me over the edge was the decision by my local Tory council to close the AandE at my local hospital (Trafford General) endangering the lives of many of the residents. If they were willing to cut AandE and put lives at risk, what else might they be willing to do? In a way, I'd like to thank the Conservative party for radicalising me. Imagine the kind of fury and anger required to turn an apathetic idiot into a politico/geek. I didn't come into politics because of some ideological attachment to the left or right, though I do consider myself to be ideologically on the left. I only read "The communist manifesto" by Marx for the first time 2 years ago (And to be honest, I'm not a massive fan!) I didn't come into politics because I want a career in it, heck, I don't think I could ever could, nor would I want to, become an MP. I'd much rather concentrate on writing and trying to influence people's opinions that way. The reason I am in politics is because I want to play my part in making people's lives better. So no one has to struggle ever again in the way we had to in the early days. On May 7th, as the country goes to vote,  I believe Labour is the only party which can do it.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Election night declaration times: P.A Expects higher turnout.

Here is a list of expected declaration times at the election, from the Press Association.
The first declaration, notably, is expected 20 minutes later than it was in 2010. Is this indicative of a higher turnout? The P.A, and the local councils providing the data, certainly seem to think so. Two early tests for Labour will be Nuneaton and Battersea, the former being an ultra marginal that Labour must gain to win the election, the latter slightly safer for the Tories, but it will be interesting to see the swing as it is a London seat!

320Houghton & Sunderland South23:00
603Washington & Sunderland West23:30
551Sunderland Central00:01
216Durham North West00:30
14Antrim North01:00
175Dagenham & Rainham01:00
215Durham North01:00
214Durham, City of01:30
347Lagan Valley01:30
407Na h-Eileanan an Iar01:30
584Tyrone West01:30
586Upper Bann01:30
588Vale of Clwyd01:30
13Antrim East02:00
45Belfast East02:00
46Belfast North02:00
47Belfast South02:00
48Belfast West02:00
66Bishop Auckland02:00
71Blaenau Gwent02:00
131Carmarthen East & Dinefwr02:00
132Carmarthen West & Pembrokeshire South02:00
134Castle Point02:00
142Chesham & Amersham02:00
202Down North02:00
217Dwyfor Meirionnydd02:00
223East Kilbride, Strathaven & Lesmahagow02:00
239Epping Forest02:00
250Fife North East02:00
345Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath02:00
348Lanark & Hamilton East02:00
427Northampton North02:00
428Northampton South02:00
443Oxford East02:00
487Rutherglen & Hamilton West02:00
530Staffordshire South02:00
552Surrey East02:00
647Ynys Mon02:00
570Thornbury & Yate02:15
15Antrim South02:30
143Chester, City of02:30
151Cities of London & Westminster02:30
189Devon East02:30
211Dundee East02:30
212Dundee West02:30
234Ellesmere Port & Neston02:30
251Filton & Bradley Stoke02:30
287Hampshire East02:30
302Hemel Hempstead02:30
308Hertford & Stortford02:30
334Islington North02:30
335Islington South & Finsbury02:30
342Kilmarnock & Loudoun02:30
359Leicestershire North West02:30
399Mitcham & Morden02:30
615Westminster North02:30
6Airdrie & Shotts03:00
10Alyn & Deeside03:00
11Amber Valley03:00
17Argyll & Bute03:00
29Barnsley Central03:00
30Barnsley East03:00
33Basildon South & Thurrock East03:00
49Bermondsey & Old Southwark03:00
76Bolton North East03:00
77Bolton South East03:00
78Bolton West03:00
89Brecon & Radnorshire03:00
90Brent Central03:00
91Brent North03:00
100Bristol North West03:00
102Bristol West03:00
111Bury North03:00
112Bury South03:00
113Bury St Edmunds03:00
117Camberwell & Peckham03:00
154Clwyd South03:00
155Clwyd West03:00
156Coatbridge, Chryston & Bellshill03:00
170Croydon Central03:00
171Croydon North03:00
172Croydon South03:00
181Derby North03:00
182Derby South03:00
184Derbyshire Mid03:00
185Derbyshire North East03:00
186Derbyshire South03:00
209Dunbartonshire East03:00
213Dunfermline & Fife West03:00
224East Lothian03:00
262Glasgow Central03:00
263Glasgow East03:00
264Glasgow North03:00
265Glasgow North East03:00
266Glasgow North West03:00
267Glasgow South03:00
268Glasgow South West03:00
290Hampstead & Kilburn03:00
293Harrogate & Knaresborough03:00
298Hastings & Rye03:00
310Hertfordshire South West03:00
314High Peak03:00
316Holborn & St Pancras03:00
318Hornsey & Wood Green03:00
323Hull East03:00
324Hull North03:00
325Hull West & Hessle03:00
333Isle of Wight03:00
343Kingston & Surbiton03:00
376Londonderry East03:00
393Merthyr Tydfil & Rhymney03:00
395Middlesbrough South & Cleveland East03:00
406Motherwell & Wishaw03:00
417Newport East03:00
418Newport West03:00
421Norfolk Mid03:00
436Ochil & Perthshire South03:00
445Paisley & Renfrewshire North03:00
446Paisley & Renfrewshire South03:00
450Perth & Perthshire North03:00
469Renfrewshire East03:00
471Ribble Valley03:00
481Rother Valley03:00
513Skipton & Ripon03:00
514Sleaford & North Hykeham03:00
517Somerset North03:00
522South Shields03:00
535Stockton North03:00
536Stockton South03:00
550Suffolk West03:00
558Swansea East03:00
559Swansea West03:00
560Swindon North03:00
561Swindon South03:00
589Vale of Glamorgan03:00
610Welwyn Hatfield03:00
611Wentworth & Dearne03:00
643Wyre & Preston North03:00
42Bedfordshire Mid03:30
44Bedfordshire South West03:30
69Blackpool North & Cleveleys03:30
70Blackpool South03:30
82Bournemouth East03:30
83Bournemouth West03:30
104Bromley & Chislehurst03:30
121Cambridgeshire North West03:30
122Cambridgeshire South03:30
164Cotswolds, The03:30
203Down South03:30
206Dulwich & West Norwood03:30
210Dunbartonshire West03:30
222East Ham03:30
237Enfield North03:30
238Enfield Southgate03:30
276Great Grimsby03:30
369Linlithgow & Falkirk East03:30
419Newry & Armagh03:30
463Rayleigh & Wickford03:30
521South Ribble03:30
548Suffolk Coastal03:30
553Surrey Heath03:30
569Thirsk & Malton03:30
585Ulster Mid03:30
593Walsall North03:30
594Walsall South03:30
607Weaver Vale03:30
612West Bromwich East03:30
613West Bromwich West03:30
614West Ham03:30
634Worcestershire Mid03:30
640Wrekin, The03:30
5Aberdeenshire West & Kincardine04:00
23Ayr, Carrick & Cumnock04:00
24Ayrshire Central04:00
25Ayrshire North & Arran04:00
27Banff & Buchan04:00
31Barrow & Furness04:00
32Basildon & Billericay04:00
43Bedfordshire North East04:00
55Bexleyheath & Crayford04:00
61Birmingham Ladywood04:00
93Brentwood & Ongar04:00
95Bridgwater & Somerset West04:00
99Bristol East04:00
101Bristol South04:00
120Cambridgeshire North East04:00
124Cannock Chase04:00
133Carshalton & Wallington04:00
140Chelsea & Fulham04:00
173Cumbernauld, Kilsyth & Kirkintilloch East04:00
183Derbyshire Dales04:00
190Devon North04:00
191Devon South West04:00
192Devon West & Torridge04:00
194Don Valley04:00
195Doncaster Central04:00
196Doncaster North04:00
200Dorset West04:00
204Dudley North04:00
205Dudley South04:00
207Dumfries & Galloway04:00
208Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale & Tweeddale04:00
228Edinburgh East04:00
229Edinburgh North & Leith04:00
230Edinburgh South04:00
231Edinburgh South West04:00
232Edinburgh West04:00
240Epsom & Ewell04:00
242Erith & Thamesmead04:00
243Esher & Walton04:00
253Folkestone & Hythe04:00
258Garston & Halewood04:00
278Greenwich & Woolwich04:00
280Hackney North & Stoke Newington04:00
281Hackney South & Shoreditch04:00
289Hampshire North West04:00
294Harrow East04:00
295Harrow West04:00
306Hereford & Herefordshire South04:00
313Heywood & Middleton04:00
363Lewisham Deptford04:00
364Lewisham East04:00
365Lewisham West & Penge04:00
380Luton North04:00
381Luton South04:00
409New Forest East04:00
414Newcastle upon Tyne Central04:00
415Newcastle upon Tyne East04:00
416Newcastle upon Tyne North04:00
422Norfolk North04:00
429Northamptonshire South04:00
432Nottingham East04:00
433Nottingham North04:00
434Nottingham South04:00
438Old Bexley & Sidcup04:00
441Orkney & Shetland04:00
448Penistone & Stocksbridge04:00
449Penrith & The Border04:00
452Plymouth Moor View04:00
453Plymouth Sutton & Devonport04:00
459Preseli Pembrokeshire04:00
473Richmond Park04:00
476Rochford & Southend East04:00
478Romsey & Southampton North04:00
485Runnymede & Weybridge04:00
489Saffron Walden04:00
497Scarborough & Whitby04:00
501Selby & Ainsty04:00
523Southampton Itchen04:00
524Southampton Test04:00
525Southend West04:00
529Staffordshire Moorlands04:00
547Suffolk Central & Ipswich North04:00
549Suffolk South04:00
554Surrey South West04:00
555Sussex Mid04:00
556Sutton & Cheam04:00
557Sutton Coldfield04:00
580Tunbridge Wells04:00
602Warwickshire North04:00
616Westmorland & Lonsdale04:00
620Wiltshire South West04:00
635Worcestershire West04:00
644Wyre Forest04:00
18Arundel & South Downs04:30
37Batley & Spen04:30
51Berwickshire, Roxburgh & Selkirk04:30
54Bexhill & Battle04:30
58Birmingham Erdington04:30
96Brigg & Goole04:30
148Chipping Barnet04:30
158Colne Valley04:30
169Crewe & Nantwich04:30
235Elmet & Rothwell04:30
297Harwich & Essex North04:30
301Hazel Grove04:30
309Hertfordshire North East04:30
328Ilford North04:30
329Ilford South04:30
349Lancashire West04:30
351Leeds Central04:30
352Leeds East04:30
353Leeds North East04:30
354Leeds North West04:30
355Leeds West04:30
360Leicestershire South04:30
400Mole Valley04:30
405Morley & Outwood04:30
420Newton Abbot04:30
424Norfolk South04:30
430Norwich North04:30
431Norwich South04:30
503Sheffield Brightside & Hillsborough04:30
504Sheffield Central04:30
505Sheffield Hallam04:30
506Sheffield Heeley04:30
507Sheffield South East04:30
510Shrewsbury & Atcham04:30
519Somerton & Frome04:30
583Tyneside North04:30
619Wiltshire North04:30
630Wolverhampton North East04:30
631Wolverhampton South East04:30
632Wolverhampton South West04:30
9Altrincham & Sale West05:00
52Bethnal Green & Bow05:00
53Beverley & Holderness05:00
62Birmingham Northfield05:00
65Birmingham Yardley05:00
80Boston & Skegness05:00
85Bradford East05:00
86Bradford South05:00
87Bradford West05:00
92Brentford & Isleworth05:00
97Brighton Kemptown05:00
98Brighton Pavilion05:00
115Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross05:00
116Calder Valley05:00
137Chatham & Aylesford05:00
146Chingford & Woodford Green05:00
165Coventry North East05:00
166Coventry North West05:00
167Coventry South05:00
174Cynon Valley05:00
197Dorset Mid & Poole North05:00
198Dorset North05:00
199Dorset South05:00
218Ealing Central & Acton05:00
219Ealing North05:00
247Faversham & Kent Mid05:00
248Feltham & Heston05:00
249Fermanagh & South Tyrone05:00
252Finchley & Golders Green05:00
274Grantham & Stamford05:00
282Halesowen & Rowley Regis05:00
284Haltemprice & Howden05:00
307Herefordshire North05:00
315Hitchin & Harpenden05:00
331Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey05:00
366Leyton & Wanstead05:00
370Liverpool Riverside05:00
371Liverpool Walton05:00
372Liverpool Wavertree05:00
373Liverpool West Derby05:00
378Louth & Horncastle05:00
384Maidstone & The Weald05:00
391Meon Valley05:00
410New Forest West05:00
426Normanton, Pontefract & Castleford05:00
456Poplar & Limehouse05:00
472Richmond (Yorks)05:00
475Rochester & Strood05:00
480Rossendale & Darwen05:00
488Rutland & Melton05:00
490St Albans05:00
495Salford & Eccles05:00
500Sefton Central05:00
512Sittingbourne & Sheppey05:00
518Somerset North East05:00
545Stretford & Urmston05:00
564Taunton Deane05:00
572Tiverton & Honiton05:00
599Warrington North05:00
600Warrington South05:00
624Wirral South05:00
625Wirral West05:00
637Worsley & Eccles South05:00
648York Central05:00
649York Outer05:00
650Yorkshire East05:00
57Birmingham Edgbaston05:30
60Birmingham Hodge Hill05:30
123Cambridgeshire South East05:30
188Devon Central05:30
277Great Yarmouth05:30
520South Holland & The Deepings05:30
3Aberdeen North06:00
4Aberdeen South06:00
63Birmingham Perry Barr06:00
64Birmingham Selly Oak06:00
74Bognor Regis & Littlehampton06:00
126Cardiff Central06:00
127Cardiff North06:00
128Cardiff South & Penarth06:00
129Cardiff West06:00
220Ealing Southall06:00
254Forest of Dean06:00
261Gillingham & Rainham06:00
288Hampshire North East06:00
300Hayes & Harlington06:00
350Lancaster & Fleetwood06:00
404Morecambe & Lunesdale06:00
423Norfolk North West06:00
425Norfolk South West06:00
444Oxford West & Abingdon06:00
464Reading East06:00
465Reading West06:00
484Ruislip, Northwood & Pinner06:00
492St Helens North06:00
493St Helens South & Whiston06:00
511Shropshire North06:00
537Stoke-on-Trent Central06:00
538Stoke-on-Trent North06:00
539Stoke-on-Trent South06:00
567Thanet North06:00
568Thanet South06:00
573Tonbridge & Malling06:00
587Uxbridge & Ruislip South06:00
638Worthing East & Shoreham06:00
639Worthing West06:00
21Ashton Under Lyne06:30
59Birmingham Hall Green06:30
118Camborne & Redruth06:30
162Cornwall North06:30
163Cornwall South East06:30
180Denton & Reddish06:30
457Portsmouth North06:30
458Portsmouth South06:30
491St Austell & Newquay06:30
531Stalybridge & Hyde06:30
579Truro & Falmouth06:30
68Blackley & Broughton07:00
317Hornchurch & Upminster07:00
356Leicester East07:00
357Leicester South07:00
358Leicester West07:00
387Manchester Central07:00
388Manchester Gorton07:00
389Manchester Withington07:00
397Milton Keynes North07:00
398Milton Keynes South07:00
439Oldham East & Saddleworth07:00
440Oldham West & Royton07:00
479Ross, Skye & Lochaber07:00
645Wythenshawe & Sale East07:00
73Blyth Valley12:00
339Kenilworth & Southam12:00
601Warwick & Leamington12:00
494St Ives13:00